Tribute to GrandparentsThe reason grandchildren and grandparents get along so well is that they have a common enemy. Or as my Mom might say, "skip the children, just have grandchildren."
I think we can all agree that grandparents are, for the most part, pretty great. Especially Rian's.
My Mom returned early from Swaziland to make sure she was here for the whole month of April for Rian's birth and has seen him every few weeks since, even buying a house in Vancouver 10 doors away.
My Dad who wasn't at all overjoyed at the prospect of becoming a grandfather spent his first visit just holding and rocking Rian, calling him a 'pretty good kid' (which is his lingo for 'pretty amazing kid').
My stepmother Veronica shopped for the whole 9 months I was pregnant to get us all of the baby basics, from a carrier to receiving blankets to books to a compilation CD of greatest kids tunes.
Pete's Dad in the UK made sure Rian travels in the best-of-the-best stroller and
still calls us every week to check in on him.
And his partner Sylvia just lit up every time she saw him on their Fall visit which he totally responded to.
With my Mom due to arrive in a few hours to spend most of December with us - she didn't want to miss Rian's 1st Christmas - I can't help thinking how lucky Rian is to have so many grandparents who absolutely adore him. And how important family is to all of us.