Saturday, January 28, 2006

Today was another grey and rainy day in Vancouver but my friend Mike (visiting from the Uk) and I trucked up to Trout Lake with Rian and Nova, seen here with a new friend in an intense battle of wills...

And more pics of Mike and Rian...

Development of the Day: Rian has learned to drink from a straw!! Yea! Sippy cups were a bit of a disaster and bottles he doesn't really understand but STRAWS he can totally work out!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kris, Pete, Rian and Nova

Thank you so much for making my stay in Vancouver so much fun.

It's great to know that I can check in with you guys via your blog.

Hope you enjoyed those burgers last night! No more veggie stuff, hooray.

Hope to catch up with you another time soon.

Oh, they loved all the gifts I brought back. My brother and sister-in-law are ready trying the baby out in the baby budda!

Much love to all.


7:42 AM  

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