Wednesday, January 04, 2006

More, more, more Christmas! Like you all haven't seen enough of Rian and all his new goodies...

Gifts arrived via my little 'bro Kyle from my father, stepmother and lil' sister Kelty so Christmas just seems to keep coming!

And we think Rian will start crawling soon... not that we are remotely ready for it, aside from moving the Drano to a high shelf in the basement. At least he still likes to be carried in the sling

Finally, not to try to use Rian's good friend Sam as a free model for my blog (any royalties from this pic should be directed to his Mom's blog), here are the boys at the local juice shop. Just look at Sam - Rian does seem to be the straight guy to Sam's cheekiness!

And what is friendship if they can't share tasty toys?!


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